It is with great pride we welcome you to our Church.
Since 1989, we have served a growing congregation in Atlanta. Today, we are honored to extend our help to communities across Georgia from our new home.
Our Church realizes Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s vision that all Churches of Scientology become what he termed Ideal Organizations (Orgs). Ideal Orgs not only provide the ideal facilities to service Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual freedom, but they also serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations.
Like a phoenix rising, Atlanta is a city of amazing triumphs—and the latest herald of the city’s “we can do it” is the April 2, 2016, opening of the Scientology Ideal Church.
“This is Scientology for a new American South,” said David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of Scientology and the Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center. “And so whereafter that ribbon falls for Atlanta and she in turn rises up, should anyone ask to what is Atlanta rising, you can truthfully say: she’s rising to eternity!”
Under Mr. Miscavige’s vision and leadership, the Church of Scientology has opened the doors of more than 50 new Ideal Churches—from Los Angeles to Tampa, London to Milan, Johannesburg to Tokyo, Moscow to Kaohsiung. Those openings have been the sparkplugs of worldwide expansion for the religion—greater in the last decade than in the previous 50 years.